Hi everyone,
I've compiled a list of charities that are currently assisting survivors of conflict in Congo*
I'll be updating this regularly with more charities as I find them so feel free to send me any others to add to this list. I've attached links to official websites and Instagram pages below:
#freecongo campaign aims to rescue children from the cobalt mines and support miners demanding accountability
WEBSITE https://friendsofthecongo.org/campaigns/
INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/congofriends/
WEBSITE https://www.focuscongo.com/en/projekte/
INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/focuscongo/
WEBSITE https://panzifoundation.org/the-crisis/
INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/panzifoundation/
WEBSITE https://projectworldimpact.com/organization/mavuno
WEBSITE https://enoughproject.org/
WEBSITE https://www.iheartafrica.org/
INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/iheartafricadotorg
*I cannot confirm if all of these are non-profit, but I will be updating this post with updates and stats regularly.